Energy transport at the nanoscale
Condensed Matter Physicist
Contact: Institute Light and Matter, UMR5306
6, rue Ada Byron,
Université Lyon 1,
69622 Villeurbanne, France
e-mail: samy.merabia_at_univ-lyon1.fr
More than sixty percents of the energy consumed by human activities is degraded as heat. There is therefore a formidable challenge in designing innovative solutions to convert waste heat in alternative forms of energy including mechanical and electrical. Condensed matter physicists may help in thinking how to realize such a programme. As a CNRS researcher working at the ILM (Institute Light and Matter), close to Lyon, my general interests encompass thermal transport at the nanoscale in nanofluidic and condensed matter systems, at the intersection between nanosciences, material science and statistical physics. The final goal is to identify new thermal couplings at the nanoscale, which may be exploited to imagine innovative solutions for energy transport and conversion. To reach this objective, I mainly employ atomistic simulations while maintaining collaborations with experimentalists.

Near field thermal transport

Polymer Nanocomposites