Summer school
SCOPE : Designing new materials to store or convert waste energy is becoming an urgent challenge for the 21st century. Numerical techniques are important to tackle this challenge. Indeed, these last years have seen the flourishing development of new methods to model matter at nanometric scales. The objective of the summer school "Modeling of nanostructured materials for energy conversion and transport" is to train scientists in theoretical and numerical techniques and tools for the modeling of energy transport and conversion in nano-structured materials

Topics covered
Phonon transport
Electronic transport
Near field radiation
Ionic transport
Nathalie Vast, CEA Palaiseau
Evelyne Martin, ICUBE, Strasbourg
Rodolphe Vaillon, IES, Montpellier
Pascal Boulet, IM2NP, Marseille
Jérôme Saint Martin, IC2N, Saclay
Emilie Gaudry, IJL Nancy
Aloïs Würger, LOMA, Bordeaux
Anne Tanguy, INSA Lyon and ONERA
F. Xavier Alvarez, UAB, Barcelona
Giorgia Fugallo, LTEN, Nantes
Svend-Age Biehs, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Molecular dynamics
Ab initio calculations
Artificial intelligence
Finite element modeling
Monte Carlo methods
Complex crystals
Amorphous materials
Riccardo Messina, LCF, Orsay
Mohamed Amara, INL, Lyon
Lorenzo Paulatto, IMPMC, Paris
Fabienne Michelini, IM2NP, Marseille
Tristan Albaret, ILM, Lyon
David Lacroix, LEMTA, Nancy
Marc Bescond, IM2NP, Marseille
Giorgia Fugallo, LTEN, Nantes
Manuel Cobian, LTDS, Lyon
Kosntantinos Termentzidis, INSA Lyon
Samy Merabia, ILM Lyon
Scientific committee
Philippe Ben Abdallah, LCF, Orsay
Anne Tanguy, INSA Lyon et ONERA
Emilie Gaudry, IJL, Nancy
David lacroix, LEMTA Nancy
Jérôme Saint Martin, Univ. Paris-Saclay
Konstantinos Termentzidis, INSA Lyon
Poster session: the participants will have the opportunity to present their work during the poster sessions.
Important dates :
Registration: opening February 03rd
closing February 28th
Summer school : 08th May-13th May
